Please note that our dispatch department will close on 18 December 2024 until 7 January 2025. 🎄

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Delivery Fees


  • If you are inside of SA, we will deliver to your door using a courier. There is no courier fee to pay.
  • IIf you are outside of SA, you will be liable for a courier fee, this can be included on your quote. Please contact us for further information. *Please note that the courier fee does not include any customs clearance, therefore you would be liable for this directly to the courier. 




Subjects: BT, MA, FA, LW, TX UK & SA, FA1, MA1, FA2, MA2, FMA, FAU, FTX & FFM

Delivery timeframe: If you have chosen the current semester, delivery will be within 3-5 working days after confirmation of subject selection with your Student Advisor.


Subjects: PM, FR, AA, FM, SBL, SBR, AFM, APM, ATX UK & SA, AAA

Delivery timeframe: If you have chosen the upcoming exam session, delivery will be within 3-5 working days after confirmation of subject selection with your Student Advisor.

* Please note the ACCA material is updated annually in June, therefore if you are writing the September exam sitting, please note you will receive your material in/around July, as the updated material for the September exam is only published in early June.




Subjects: BA1, BA2, BA3, BA4, E1, F1, P1, E2, F2, P2, E3, F3, P3

Delivery timeframe: If you have chosen the current semester, delivery will be within 3-5 working days after confirmation of subject selection with your Student Advisor.


Subjects: Operational, Management or Strategic Level Case Study

Delivery timeframe: If you have chosen the upcoming exam sitting, delivery will be within 3-5 working days after confirmation of your chosen sitting with your Student Advisor.




Subjects: All

Delivery timeframe: If you have chosen the upcoming exam sitting, your material will automatically be ordered. Delivery will take place within 7-10 working days from date of order.

*Please note we do not hold stock of any ICB material, delivery is longer than normal as our supplier is print to order.



Subjects: All

Delivery timeframe: If you have chosen the upcoming exam session, delivery will be within 3-5 working days after confirmation of subject selection with your Student Advisor.