Please note that our dispatch department will close on 18 December 2024 until 7 January 2025. 🎄
We know that it is a privilege to walk your study journey beside you and we want to be there every step of the way.
If you need assistance, we're here to help. Whether you're looking for information on start dates, fees or anything else, we've got you! The truth is, when you ask for help and you partner with someone, you more likely to go all the way. Let us partner with you on your career success.
Email: | [email protected] | |
Tel: | 0861 111 411 | |
Intl: | +27 86 111 1411 | |
Block B, 144 Katherine Street, Greyston Ridge, Sandton
3rd Floor, 79 Roeland Street, Zonnebloem, Cape Town