It means we give you the exact amount of material you need, the right type of question practice to get you exam fit, and the right support to keep you motivated and engaged. We give you the 'formula' you need to follow to pass first time, without wasting time.
This is our secret to your success - just follow our tried-and-tested formula, and you are 85% more likely to pass than studying on your own. We understand that studying while working isn't easy. If it was, everybody would do it, but few do.
We are so confident that you will pass first time, that you can redo the course you attended for free if you don't.
It's commonly said that the only thing students care about is passing. That's true enough, but not the whole truth. You also want to study less and score higher. You want someone on your side who can keep you motivated.
How do I qualify for the Pass Assured Promise?
The criteria to qualify for PAP depends on your course and the study option that you have chosen. Everything is broken down in our terms and conditions, alternatively, feel free to reach out to our Student Services team. You can reach us at [email protected]. Please use 'Pass Assured' in the subject email.
Why do I need to meet these requirements?
We have been in the business a long time and we know exactly what you need to do in order to pass first time. We know that your time is precious, however, so we have figured out the minimum amount of work required and these steps are broken down in the Pass Assured criteria. Meet the criteria and we are confident you will pass first time, if not you can come back for free.
What happens if I fail & do not qualify for the Pass Assured Promise?
If you do not qualify for the Pass Assured Promise and you fail you will not be eligible to return for free next semester.