Student Hero

We've partnered with Student Hero.

Want to invest in yourself but do not have the funding available upfront? We've got you covered. 

Student finance makes studying more affordable by spreading the payments over a longer term.

IBTC has collaborated with Student Hero to help our students apply, qualify, and compare student finance offers from South African banks and alternate finance providers – all from a single platform.

How does it work?


There are various student finance providers in South Africa and each of them has unique qualifying criteria and processes. Student Hero is South Africa’s largest student finance facilitator and serves as a single point of contact to help current and prospective students to learn about, apply or and qualify for study funding from multiple educational finance providers.

Why Student Hero?


  • Student Hero is South Africa’s largest student finance facilitation service
  • View and compare financing options from multiple providers all on one platform
  • Quick and easy online application process

Apply Now

Complete the form below and a Student Advisor will be in touch to assist you with your financing application process.

Please note that it can take up to 2 working days to receive an answer.

Looking for more information?

For more informatoin, visit the Student Hero website, or contact them directly at [email protected].