Certificate: Office Administration
You can start at any time, study from anywhere and set your own pace. Apart from study material and exam practice questions, you also get a Study Plan and unlimited tutor access until your exam. Study at your own pace and in your own space. You can speed up your studies if you want to qualify quickly - no waiting for classes to begin. Or you can take it slowly if you wish.
This course is an insightful study of how people behave and organisations operate under constraints of resources. It provides powerful tools to understand and analyse many aspects of our lives and help us to become informed, perceptive decision-makers. It also helps develop methodical ways of thinking and problem solving, which can be used in our lives as effective members of the workforce, responsible and knowledgeable citizens, informed consumers, savers, and investors, and perceptive participants in the global economy. This course explores the ways in which this social science analyses the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services, and aims to explain how economies work and how economic agents interact. Economic analysis is applied throughout society, in business, finance and government, but also in crime, education, the family, health, law, politics, religion, social institutions, war, and science.
Written exams can be taken in July and November. Exams can also be taken online at home in April, June, Aug, Oct, Dec and Feb of each year.
The ICB academic year runs from 1 April to 31 March every year. This means your last exam on your existing study material will be in April of each year, and the first exam on the new study material will be from June onwards.
The ICB examines Business Literacy at three NQF levels (3, 4 and 5) in one subject. The three levels have been bundled into one subject and the PoE and final exam will cover all three.
To qualify for your Pass Assured Promise, you need to have submitted Test 1 and Test 2 (from your POE) for review (not marking). You should also have attempted your final exam within 6 months of having received your study material.
If you are unsuccessful in your exam, you will receive 3 months of additional tutor support and you can re-submit Test 1 and 2 for review.
No new study material will be issued.